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  • 发前人未发之论,方是奇书 
    发布日期:2024-02-04      阅读数:100 次

    发前人未发之论,方是奇书。—— 张潮 A remarkable book is one which says something never said before. —— Zhang Chao(Translated by Lin Yutang)(Used to mean that it is valuable to be creative and original in writing.) 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室

  • 可怜身上衣正单,心忧炭贱愿天寒 
    发布日期:2024-02-03      阅读数:148 次

    可怜身上衣正单,心忧炭贱愿天寒。——白居易 What a pity, he’s wearing the clothes that are so thin and old; But he’s worrying about the cheapness of charcoal, and wishes the weather to become cold! (Translated by Tang yihe) 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室

  • 人弃我取,人取我与 
    发布日期:2024-02-02      阅读数:192 次

    人弃我取,人取我与。——司马迁 What others throw away, I take; what others take, I give away. —— Sima Qian 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室

  • 外思济人之急,内思闲己之邪 
    发布日期:2024-02-01      阅读数:283 次

    外思济人之急,内思闲己之邪。—— 袁了凡 When mindful of the outside, we should think of how to help those in need around us, and when mindful of within, we should prevent wicked thoughts and improper actions from arising. (Translated by Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.) —— Yuan Liaofan...

  • “脑机接口”相关热词翻译 
    发布日期:2024-01-31      阅读数:181 次

    脑机接口  brain-computer interface 首例人类大脑设备植入手术  a brain implant in its first human patient 脑科学  Neurotechnology 神经系统疾病  neurological disorders 渐冻症(肌萎缩侧索硬化) ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 帕金森病  ...

  • 交友须带三分侠气,做人要存一点素心 
    发布日期:2024-01-31      阅读数:181 次

    交友须带三分侠气,做人要存一点素心。—— 洪应明 To make friends with others, one needs some chivalry.  To be a true man, one should preserve a pure heart. —— Hong Yingming (Translated by P. White) 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室

  • 君子必慎交游焉 
    发布日期:2024-01-30      阅读数:297 次

    君子必慎交游焉。——颜之推 A gentleman must choose his company. —— Yan Zhitui 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室

  • 善不由外来兮,名不可以虚作 
    发布日期:2024-01-29      阅读数:122 次

    善不由外来兮,名不可以虚作。——屈原 Good virtue comes not from outside, nor can good name be falisified. —— Qu Yuan (Translated by Xu Yuanchong) 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室

  • 量力而任之,度才而处之 
    发布日期:2024-01-28      阅读数:172 次

    量力而任之,度才而处之。——韩愈 One should appoint someone judging by his merits, and arrange someone’s position judging his talents. —— Han Yu 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室

  • 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小 
    发布日期:2024-01-26      阅读数:251 次

    会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。——杜甫 I must ascend the mountain’s crest; It dwarfs all peaks under my feet. —— Du Fu (Translated by Xu Yuanchong) 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室



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