淤泥解作白莲藕,粪壤能开黄玉花。——黄庭坚 White lotus root grows out of mud and yellow narcissus springs up from dung and dirt. —— Huang Tingjian 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>微笑和握手既不费时,又不费钱,却能使事业兴旺。——沃纳梅克 Smiles and handshakes take no time or money, and make business prosper. ——John Wanamaker 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>慎终如始,则无败事。——李耳 If you exercise as much prudence at the end as at the beginning, there is no chance of failure. / If you conduct your undertaking carefully throughout, you can never fail. ——Li Er 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>珍其货而后市,修其身而后交,善其谋而后动,成道也。——杨雄 Pack your goods and make thenm look good before selling them, cultivate your mind and integrity before you begin to make friends, try to make your strategy sound before taking action, and that is the way to succeed. ——Yang Xiong ...
MORE>>仲尼见人一善,而忘其百非;鲍叔闻人一过,而终身不忘。——刘昼 When Confucius finds someone has some merit, he forgets all of his demerits; when Bao Shu hears someone has committed a fault, he will not forget it all his life. ——Liu Zhou 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>物有所宜,不废其材。——王符 Everything has its usefulness, so useful things should not be discarded. ——Wang Fu 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>《芥子园画传》是西方人眼中的中国绘画的奠基性著作。施美美在1956年完成该书的英译,列入大名鼎鼎的“柏霖艮丛书”中出版,1977年普林斯顿重印该书,该版本成为英语世界流传最广的中国画传。 细读施氏译本,不难发现施美美英译版对王概原本有着诸多的“阐释背离”。这种背...
MORE>>丈夫为志,穷当益坚,老当益壮。——范晔 When a true man makes up his mind to fulfill his lofty ideal, he should be all the more determined when under adverse circumstances, and all the more valiant when getting on in years. ——Fan Ye 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译