如果你听到有人说你的坏话,你不要为自己辩护,反而要说:“他显然不太了解我,因为我还有许多别的毛病他没有提到。” ——爱比克泰德 If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself, you should say: “He obviously does not know me very well, since there are so ...
MORE>>吾未闻枉己而正人者也,况辱己以正天下者乎?圣人之行不同也,或远,或近,或去,或不去;归洁其身而已矣。——孟子 我没有听说过自己先不正直,却去叫别人正直的,何况那种先使自己受辱,再去匡正天下的做法呢?圣人的行为却不是这样,他们对当时的君主有的要远些 ,有的要近些,有的离开他,有的不离开他,归...
MORE>>Health is infinite and expansive in mode, and reaches out to be filled with the fulllness of the world; whereas the disease is finite and reductive in mode, and endeavors to reduce the world to itslef. ——Anonymous 健康是无限的,扩展性的,可以充满整个世界;而疾病是有限的,是缩减性的,它试图把...
MORE>>所以我们的第一要著,是在改变他们的精神,而善于改变精神的是,我那时以为当然要推文艺,于是想提倡文艺运动了。 The most important thing, therefore, was to change their spirit, and since at that time I felt that literature was the best means to this end, I determined to promote a literary movement. 在...
MORE>>《呐喊》自序 Preface to “Call to Arms” (December 3, 1922) &nb...
MORE>>宇宙中只有一个角落你确定可以改变,那就是你自己。——阿道司 · 赫胥黎 There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving ,and that’s your own self. ——Aldous Huxley 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>文学是一种理智之光,它和阳光一样,有时能使我们看到我们不喜欢的东西。 ——约翰逊.S. Literature is a kind of intellectual light which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like. ——Samusel Johnson 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>夜直 王安石 金炉香尽漏声残,翦翦轻风阵阵寒。 春色恼人眠不得,月移花影上栏干。 Night Duty Wang Anshi The golden bowl’s incense burns to ashes, the sound of the water-cloc...
MORE>>再经胡城县 杜荀鹤 去岁曾经此县城,县民无口不冤声。 今来县宰加朱绂,便是生灵血染成。 County Again Du Xunhe Last year when I passed through this county seat, Everyone was making some...
MORE>>郊行 王安石 柔桑采尽绿阴稀,芦箔蚕成密茧肥。 聊向村家问风俗:如何勤苦尚凶饥? Walking in the Countryside Wang Anshi Tender mulberry lea...