巧者劳而知者忧,无能者无所求。——庄子 The shrewd grow weary, the wise grieve; those who are without abilities have no ambitions. / Those with adroit hands tire themselves physically; those with wisdom tire themselves mentally; the good-for-nothing pursues nothing. —–Zhuang Zi 心...
MORE>>圣人无常师。——韩愈 The ancient sage did not limit themselves to particular teachers. ——Han Yu 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>以道佐人主者,不以兵强天下。其事好远。——老子 Whoever relies on the Tao in governing men doesn’t try to force issues or defeat enemies by force of arms. For every force there is a counterforce. ——Lao Tzu 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>苟有良田,何忧晚岁。——曹植 If you have fertile fields, why worry about crop failures? ——Cao Zhi 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>君子不患人之不己知,患不自知也。——陈确 A gentleman is not concerned lest others should not understand him, but only lest he should not understand himself. ——Chen Que 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路。——李煜 Last night the west wind withered the green trees, alone I climbed the high pavilion, gazing at the distant road vanishing into the horizon. ——Li Yu 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>能言之,未必能行;能行者,未必能言。——刘向 A person who is capable of talking well is not necessarily good at working well, while a person who is capable of doing solid work is not necessarily good at talking. / Doers are not always talkers, nor talkers doers. ——Liu Xiang 心译翻译工...
MORE>>文章千古事,得失寸心知。——杜甫 Literature is a deed of eternity, whose failure and success is known in the mote that is consciousness. ——Du Fu 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>我相信在群星当中有一颗星星, 引领我的生命,穿越不可知的黑暗。——泰戈尔 I believe that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown. ——Tagore 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>只有为别人而活,生命才有价值。——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ——Albert Einstein 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译