爱情应该是平等的,双方应互谅互让。 There can be no inequality in love. Give and take must balance. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>最高尚的行为是总把别人放在第一位。 The most sublime act is to set another before you. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>情人眼里出西施。 Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>聚沙成塔,集腋成裘。 Many a little (pickle) makse a mickle. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>我宁愿关心活人的饥饱,也不愿为死者树碑立传。 I‘’d rather take care of the stomachs of the living than the glory of the dead in the form of stone memories. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>人生在世的首要大事是保持灵魂的高尚。 The principle thing in this world is to keep one’s soul aloft. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>爱情先甜后酸。 Love is sweet in the beginning, but sour in the end. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>滴水穿石。 Constant dropping can wear the stone. 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>The fault finder will find faults even in paradise. 吹毛求疵的人就是到了天堂也会挑出毛病。 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>一知半解的知识是最危险的东西。 A little learning is a dangerous thing. 心译翻译工作室