做翻译工作,就像搬砖一样,脚踏实地的搬好砖,才能砌成高楼。——陈桥 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。——元稹 To those who have been to the ocean, the water elsewhere can hardly be called water; compared with Mt. Wu, the clouds elsewhere can hardly be called clouds. —— Yuan Zhen (779-831), poet of the Tang Dynasty 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>读书破万卷,下笔如有神。——杜甫 When you have read over ten thousand books, you can write like divine-inspired / magic. ——Du Fu (712-770), poet of the Tang Dynasty 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>言必信,行必果。——《论语》 Keep your promise and be resolute in what you do. —— The Analects 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>面若中秋之色,色如春晓之花,鬓若刀裁,眉如墨画,鼻如悬胆,静若秋波,虽怒时而似笑,即嗔视而有情。——曹雪芹·《红楼梦》 As to his person, he had: a face like the moon of Mid-Autumn, a complexion like flowers at dawn, a hairline straight as a knife-cut, eyebrows that might have been pai...
MORE>>志合者不以山海为远,道乖者不以咫尺为近。——《抱朴子·博喻》 People of similar interest do not consider the distance of seas and mountains as far; people of different beliefs do not consider the distance of one foot as near. ——Baopuzi by Ge Hong (284-364) of the East Jin Dynasty ...
MORE>>心有千载忧,身无一日闲。——唐·白居易 My heart is filled with concerns about the next one thousand years, and my body enjoys no leisure for a single day. ——Bai Juyi (772-846), poet of the Tang Dynasty 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>治大国如烹小鲜。——老子 Governing a large state is like cooking a small fish: it must be handled with great care. —— Laozi 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒。——《大戴礼记·子张问入官》 When the water is crystal clear, there is no fish in it; when a man is sharply observant, he has no friends with him. ——Da Dai’s Book of Rites compiled by Dai De, scholar on rites of the Western Han Dynasty 心译翻...