黎明即起,洒扫庭除。 Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>吃得不好则健康不佳。 The wages of poor eating is poor health. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>胜利之日不觉累。 On the day of victory no fatigue is felt. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>一喜解百愁。 One joy scatters a hundred griefs. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>道不同不相为谋。 Those who are different in political propositions do not give advice to one another. / Those who go different ways do not take one another to heart. / Those who follow a different Way cannot take counsel together. / Don’t have anything to do with people of a different ...
MORE>>Though last not least. 最后的并非不重要。 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>了解过去就已经糟透了;知道未来将让人难以忍受。 It is bad enough to know the past; it would be intolerable to know the future. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>你如果乐观,世界将陪着你欢笑。 Laugh, and the world will largh with you. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>事物并非总是表里如一。 Things are not always what they seem . 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>人无远见必落后。 He that looks not before finds himself behind. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译