财富能使人贪婪,却不能使人满足。 Riches rather enlarge than satisfy appetites. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>良医者,常治无病之病,故无病。圣人者,常治无患之患,故无患。 A doctor constantly treats illnesses that are not illnesses; thus he prevents illnesses. A sage constantly deals with calamities that are not calamities; thus he prevents calamities. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>谈话的真正艺术不仅在于在合适的场合说得体的话,而且在于能在特别想说的时候控制住自己不说不应该说的话。 The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>成功没有模式,但失败有。努力地讨好每一个人一定会失败。 There is no formula for success. But there is formula for failure and that is trying to please everybody. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>光阴似箭催人老,日月如梭趱少年。 Time like an arrow speeds us to old age; days and nights like a shuttle rush us through youth. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>Benefits make a man slave. 贪图利益,变成奴隶。 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>乐极生悲,否极泰来。 When joy reaches its height, it is sorrow’s turn; when ill luck reaches its limit, good luck comes in. / Ecstasy begets tragedy, from misery good fortune springs. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>接受了别人的礼物,就出卖了自己的自由。 Who receives a gift sells his liberty. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>世间万物皆有用。 All things in their being are good for something. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译
MORE>>留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。 Where there is life, there is hope. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译