The beautiful in life — Some talk of it in poetry; some grow it from the soil; some build it in a steeple; some show it through their toil; some breathe it into music; some mold it into art; some see it in sunset; some keep it close in heart. 生活中的美——有人在诗行中描绘,有人在土壤里...
MORE>>There are but two roads that lead to an important goal and to the doing of great things: strength and perseverance. Strength is the lot of but a few privileged men; but austere perseverance, harsh and continuous, may be employed by the smallest of us and rarely fails of its purpose, for i...
MORE>>人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。中国古时候有个文学家叫做司马迁的说过:“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重;替法西斯卖力,替剥削人民和压迫人民的人去死,就比鸿毛还轻。——毛泽东 All men must die, but death can v...
MORE>>不忘初心,牢记使命,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,决胜全面建成小康社会,夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦不懈奋斗。 Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, hold high...
MORE>>一个人做点好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事,不做坏事,一贯的有益于广大群众,一贯的有益于青年,一贯的有益于革命,艰苦奋斗几十年如一日,这才是最难最难的啊!——毛泽东 It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. What is hard is to do good ...
MORE>>Your career and life are long, but not linear. You may have one or many callings, and there will be multiple pathways. Explore them all or not. It could be one or some combination of all of them. 你的事业和生活是漫长的,但并不是线性...
MORE>>错误和挫折教训了我们,使我们比较地聪明起来了,我们的事情就办得好一些。任何政党,任何个人,错误总是难免的,我们要求犯得少一点。犯了错误则要求改正,改正的越迅速,越彻底,越好。——毛泽东 Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser a...
MORE>>我从一个生活的旁观者,走上了前台,还在充当一个小配角,可我的演技太拙劣,但我已回不到后台,后台被一些陌生人占领,他们肆意践踏,已然面目全非。——米切尔 《飘》 心译翻译工作室
MORE>>人类在自己的发展过程中有相互了解的需要,翻译工作有助于人类文化的交流与传播。正在崛起的中华民族需要了解世界,从广博深厚的人类文化积存中汲取于己有益的各种成分,因而翻译家的活动与努力是值得关注的。 心译翻译工作室