双语金句 全国人民都“为热干面加油”!大家都说:“全中国等你痊愈,我们相约春天赏樱花。” The entire nation cheered and rooted for Wuhan. And people said to the residents in Wuhan, “the whole nation will wait for you to recover from the epidemic, and we will meet each other again, when there are cherry blossoms in spring.” 为了保护人民生命安全,我们什么都可以豁得出来!从出生仅30多个小时的婴儿到100多岁的老人,从在华外国留学生到来华外国人员,每一个生命都得到全力护佑,人的生命、人的价值、人的尊严得到悉心呵护。 To safeguard people’s life and safety, we are ready to make any sacrifice. From newborn babies only 30 hours old to centenarians, from international students in China to expatriates, every life has been protected, valued and respected. 全国数百万名医务人员奋战在抗疫一线,给病毒肆虐的漫漫黑夜带来了光明。 Millions of medical workers fought on the front line in the battle against COVID-19, risking their lives saving many others. They are the ones who brought light and hope to the nation at a dark time. 他们的名字和功绩,国家不会忘记,人民不会忘记,历史不会忘记,将永远铭刻在共和国的丰碑上! The nation, the people, and the history will never forget them. Their names will be etched on the monument of the Republic. 千百年来,中国人民就以生命力的顽强、凝聚力的深厚、忍耐力的坚韧、创造力的巨大而闻名于世,我们都为自己是中国人感到骄傲和自豪! Over the centuries, the Chinese people have been famous for our strong vitality, profound unity, great resilience and enormous creativity, and we are all proud to be Chinese. 面对疫情,中国人民没有被吓倒,而是用明知山有虎、偏向虎山行的壮举,书写下可歌可泣、荡气回肠的壮丽篇章! Faced with a ferocious disease, the Chinese people did not flinch; instead, we have met the tough challenges head-on, writing another inspiring and heroic chapter in our history. 我们不放弃每一位病患者。 We were not giving up on any single patient. 在这次抗疫斗争中,青年一代的突出表现令人欣慰、令人感动。 The younger generation is the hope of the nation, and their devotions were touching and heartwarming. 他们有一句话感动了中国:2003年非典的时候你们保护了我们,今天轮到我们来保护你们了。 They said something that touched the whole nation: “During the SARS epidemic in 2003, you protected us, and now it is our turn to return the favor.” 青年一代不怕苦、不畏难、不惧牺牲,用臂膀扛起如山的责任,展现出青春激昂的风采,展现出中华民族的希望! The younger generation shows no fear confronting hardships, and they have carried daunting responsibilities on their shoulders with great passion. They have proved that they are the hope of the nation. 中国的抗疫斗争,充分展现了中国精神、中国力量、中国担当。 The COVID-19 fight in China fully showed Chinese people’s spirit, the country’s strength and its determination to shoulder responsibilities.