A Farewell Party for Uncle Yun at Xie Tiao Pavilion in Xuan Zhou
Li Bai
What has left me is yesterday, which can never return and be retrieved.
What bothers me is today, which overwhelms me with trouble and worry.
The autumnal wind sends the wild geese tens of thousand miles south.
This is the opportunity for us to drink together on this historical pavilion.
Your writings possess the spirit of a saint and the style of Jian An literati.
In addition, your style is fresh and clear and matches that of Mr. Xie Tiao’s.
All of them carry sophisticated lofty ideas and brave new thoughts,
Which would soar toward the blue sky to reach the bright moon.
It’s no use cutting the water with a sword because it will continue to flow faster.
And useless to drown one’s sorrow in wine for sorrow may will be brought more and more.
If you have found that life is too discouraging and frustrating,
Let you loosen your hair and roam around the world on a boat tomorrow.