宗教 Religions
佛教 Buddhism
释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni
佛寺 Buddhist temple
大雄宝殿 the Great Buddha’s Hall
藏经楼 depositary of Buddhist texts
金刚经 Vajracchedika-sutra
素菜馆 vegetarian restaurant
罗汉堂 arhat hall
观音 Guanyin; Goddess of Mercy; Avalokitesvara
地藏 God of Earth
四大金刚 Four Heavenly Guardians (at the entrance to a Buddhism temple);Four Devarajas
四大天王 Four Heavenly Kings
因果报应 karma
藏传佛教 Lamaism
大藏经 Tripitaka
转世灵童 reincarnated soul boy
喇嘛庙 lamasery
道教 Taoism
道观 Taoist temple
道士 Taoist priest
关帝庙 temple of Lord Guan
儒教 Confucianism
孔子庙 Confucian temple
孔子 Confucius
rightness, propriety , wisdom , trustworthiness , loyalty , reciprocity ,filial piety , brotherly love
学儿优则仕 A good scholar can become an official ./ He who excels in study can follow an official career .
禅宗 Zen Buddhism
There belief is passed on outside the religion
There is no reliance on written scripts
It goes straight into people’s minds .
One becomes a Buddha the moment
He sees his own Buddha nature .
伊斯兰教 Islam
清真寺 mosques
古兰经 the Koran
耶稣教 Christianity
耶稣基督 Jesus Christ
洗礼 baptism
天主教 Catholicism
天主教堂 Catholic church
古代典籍 Famous Ancient Books
《 春秋 》 The Spring and Autumn Annals
《 史记 》 Historical Records
《 诗经 》 The Book of Songs
《 书经 》 The Book of History
《 易经 》 The Book of Changes
《 礼记 》 The Book of Rites
四书: The Four Books:
《 大学 》 The Great Learning
《 中庸 》 The Doctrine of the Mean
《 论语 》 The Analects of Confucius
《 孟子 》 The Mencius
《 山海经 》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers
《 本草纲目 》 Compendium of Materia Medica
《 资治通鉴 》 History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers
《 西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber
《 三国演义 》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
《 水浒传 》 Heroes of the Marshes ; Water Margins
《 西游记 》 Pilgrimage to the West
《 红楼梦 》 Dream of the Red Mansions ; The story of the Stone
《 聊斋志异 》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
six classical arts: rites , music , archery , riding , writing , arithmetic
朦胧诗misty poetry
三字经three-character scripture
武侠小说tales of roving knights; martial arts novel ; a kung fu novel
言情小说romantic fiction ; sentimental novel
八股文eight-part essay ; stereotyped writing
五言绝句five-character quatrain
七言律诗seven-character octave
来源:爱思英语 日期:2014年2月14日