Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust 教科文组织总干事奥德蕾·阿祖莱缅怀大屠杀受难者国际纪念日致辞 27 January 2020 2020年1月27日 Seventy-five years ago, the 100th and 322nd divisions of the Soviet Army’s “1st Ukrainian Front” reached the Nazi concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau, whose very name symbolizes the barbarism of the killing centres and concentration camps. 75年前,苏联军队乌克兰第一方面军100师和 322师抵达奥斯威辛-比克瑙集中和灭绝营,这座集中营的名字就是纳粹屠杀中心和集中营野蛮行径的象征。 Almost one million men, women and children were killed there because they were Jewish, mostly as soon as they arrived. Tens of thousands of Gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war, political opponents and other persecuted people were interned there or died there. In total, the Nazis murdered 1,100,000 people at Auschwitz-Birkenau. 近100万成年男女和儿童,因为是犹太人,往往一到达那里就被杀害。还有成千上万的吉普赛人、苏联战俘、政治反对派和其他受迫害者,也在那里被拘留或者被杀害。总共有110万人在奥斯威辛-比克瑙集中营被纳粹残杀。 Birkenau, with its industrialized system of killing, represents the culmination of the Nazi’s criminal enterprise. In the name of a racist and anti-Semitic ideology, people of all ages were deemed unworthy of living and were systematically murdered on a continental scale. To these victims without burial, for whom oblivion would be a second condemnation, UNESCO wishes to pay tribute on this day of commemoration. 比克瑙工业化屠杀系统,是纳粹罪行穷凶极恶的体现。在种族主义和反犹太主义意识形态支配下,来自各个年龄段的人被认为不配拥有生存权,因而在整片大陆上遭到系统性谋杀。教科文组织希望在这一纪念日缅怀那些死而未葬又再次遭到遗忘打击的受害者。 First, through the indispensable work on remembrance; and second, through commitment to action. 首先要开展必不可少的记忆工作,还要拥有坚定的行动决心。 It is thus our duty to fight against speeches, wherever they are made, that seek to deny the existence of the Holocaust, that minimize its scale, or that attempt to absolve the murderers and their accomplices of their crimes. 为此,我们必须反对那些企图否认大屠杀存在、使大屠杀规模相对化或企图为杀人犯及其同谋开脱罪行的言论,无论这样的言论出现在什么地方。 It is also our duty, here and now, to prevent the resurgence of genocide and mass violence, because although the Nazis were defeated, neither anti-Semitism nor racism are dead. They continue to claim lives, minorities continue to be discriminated against and persecuted for their religion, origin or culture, and civilian populations continue to be the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. 我们还必须在当下防止种族灭绝和大规模暴力再次发生。因为纳粹虽然被打败了,但反犹太主义和种族主义并没有消亡。它们还在继续四处杀戮,一些少数群体还继续因其宗教、出身或文化而受到歧视和迫害,大量平民还继续成为战争罪、反人类罪和种族灭绝罪的受害者。 It is precisely the role of UNESCO to make every effort to improve public awareness, strengthen intellectual defences, in a word, educate – because people are not born anti-Semitic, people are not born racist, they become so. 教科文组织的作用就是尽一切努力更好地武装人们的思想,加强每个人的精神抵抗力,重点开展思想教育行动。因为反犹太主义、种族主义不是与生俱来的,而是后天养成的。 It is our collective duty to respond vigorously against the manipulation of culture and the instrumentalization of education, which is misused to indoctrinate or incite hatred, and to promote knowledge about other cultures and strengthen critical thinking and mutual respect. 我们反对操纵文化,反对将教学作为灌输仇恨和煽动仇恨的工具。我们的集体责任就是对此作出坚定的回应,致力于增进对他人的了解,并倡导批判性思维和相互尊重。 Preventing irreparable harm, preparing new generations for a safer and more peaceful future – this is the mission that UNESCO was entrusted with 70 years ago and which continues, more than ever, to inspire us. 防患于未然,培养子孙后代建设一个更加安全和平的未来——这就是70年前教科文组织被赋予的使命,当下,这一使命比以往任何时候都更加鼓舞着我们。